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Natural options for fertility

More than 6 million women in America are dealing with the issue of infertility. One of the deepest heartaches a woman can experience, wanting to conceive but their body just isn’t cooperating. Fortunately, there are natural options like supplements, diets and even acupuncture is changing that outcome for many women and couples.

Rebecca Fett refused to accept, at the young age of 26, that she had “incredibly low odds” of being able to conceive a child. She chose to use her genetics and biochemistry education to dive into research on fertility and egg quality. She found that by taking specific supplements, redesigning her diet and cleansing her house of harmful chemicals, the result was not only two healthy baby boys, but a book entitled “It Starts with the Egg: How the Science of Egg Quality Can Help You Get Pregnant Naturally, Prevent Miscarriage, and Improve Your Odds in IV.”

It’s a very popular book, selling hundreds of copies weekly. Even in the midst of a pandemic, couples want to have children. There is an increase in babies being born this year compared to last year. The New York Times even reported earlier this year that sperm banks are running so low that people are turning to unregulated social media groups and forums for donors. 

Fett’s recommendations: 

Detoxing the diet. She recommends to eat low-glycemic, nutrient rich foods and to avoid caffeine, sugar and alcohol. She also recommends a Mediterranean diet to boost fertility. Research has shown that women following this diet before an IVF cycle had a 40 percent higher chance of successfully becoming pregnant.

Supplement. Fett recommends taking a vitamin regimen including a prenatal vitamin in addition to melatonin and CoQ10. Women diagnosed with a low ovarian reserve, she’s recommending specific doses of DHEA. 

Detoxing the house. The Bisphenol A (BPA) products are so common in today’s modern household. BPA and the phthalates in most scented products are considered to be endocrine disruptors. Endocrine disruptors may increase the risk of infertility and possibly miscarriages, numerous studies show. Fett recommends exchanging plastic storage containers and water bottles for glass or stainless steel ones. Eliminating fast food and processed food. Buying milk, oil and your condiments in glass bottles rather than plastic ones. Use nontoxic cleaning products. I also personally use cast iron over Teflon coated pots and pans. 

A traditional Chinese medicine perspective 

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) takes a different approach. We’re not focusing on maximum egg production. We want to improve the receptiveness of the whole body. An acupuncturist’s educated approach takes into account the imbalances in the body that are causing the interference to conception. We then use things like acupuncture, diet and herbs to bring the body back to balance. 

TCM strategies include: 

Diet: Every body has its own obstacles to overcome but generally we recommend things like hormone-free meats and organic foods, and cooked vegetables rather than raw. We also recommend avoiding alcohol, nicotine and caffeine. 

Acupuncture: Developing a treatment strategy for regular acupuncture sessions can stimulate the body’s hormones to do what they’re supposed to do. This can help not only with fertility but any time in a woman’s life, young and mature women can benefit. Teenagers with menstrual issues (heavy bleeding, painful menstruation/dysmenorrhea) to women struggling with hot flashes later on in life. Acupuncture can help regulate the body’s hormones. We treat it all, and usually with great success. 

Herbs: Herbal medicine can further also help with imbalances and target deficiencies. Also, in certain cases, things like herbal foot soaks have been known to increase blood flow to the pelvic organs. 

Stress: Breathing exercises like certain qi gong practices have been known to lower stress.

Before starting any supplements or herbal medicine, it is always advised to talk to a qualified healthcare provider. 

Pamela Kososki, founder of Valley Chronic Pain, is a licensed Acupuncturist with a Master’s degree in Oriental Medicine and bachelors in Nutrition. She continuously strives to improve her patients outcomes by studying with experts around the world. She has a passion for women’s health concerns, orthopedics and mental health and how to help conditions like these with a holistic approach. You can find out more by visiting or calling 920-422-4910.

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